Select face/edge/vertex by index. Dumps some info to the console. Useful to find problems with other addons giving index of problematic face/edge/vertex.
Tag Archives: blender
Copy Vertex Order By UVs release v0.6
New release, even faster than pre-bmesh release (algorithmic improvement).
Copy Vertex Order By UVs release v0.4
Update to work with blender 2.65.
Copy Vertex Order By UVs release v0.3
Works with Blender 2.62 (non-BMesh) and 2.63rc1 (BMesh) now. However, in 2.63 it is about 10-20 times slower, because accessing the UV-Mapping is much slower. Will look into this later.
Since codeĀ has been improved you should also update if you are only using Blender 2.62.
Vertex Order Copy Blender Addon
Because I had the need here I present to you my newest Blender Addon:
Copy Vertex Order By UVs